Zinovy Malkin


Personal    Affiliation    Address    Education    Employment history    Research topics    Publications    Professional Activities    Meeting activities

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♦  Personal

Name   Zinovy Malkin
Born on 6 October 1950 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia
Married, three sons, two grandsons

♦  Affiliation

Principal researcher
Laboratory of Radioastronomy Research
Pulkovo Observatory

♦  Address

Pulkovo Observatory
Pulkovskoe Sh., 65
St. Petersburg 196140
Tel.:  +7-(812)-363-7442
Fax:  +7-(812)-704-2427
E-mail:  malkin@gaoran.ru,  zmalkin@zmalkin.com
Web:  http://www.zmalkin.com

♦  Education and academic degrees

1998 Doctor of Science degree (eq. DSc, Habilitation) in Astrometry; dissertation: "Conventional and satellite methods for maintenance of time and coordinate systems"
1995 Senior Researcher degree (eq. Dozent) in Astrometry
1985 Candidate of Science degree (eq. PhD) in Astrometry; dissertation: "Investigation of the Pulkovo FZT2 and prospects for improving the accuracy of observation results" ("FZT" is a Russian abbreviation for Photographic Zenith Tube), advisor: Dr. Vitaly Naumov
1972 Graduated from the Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of Astronomy; diploma thesis: "Investigation of the near-diurnal wobble term in the observations of bright zenith stars at the Poltava Observatory", advisor: Dr. Vadim Gubanov

♦  Employment history

2006-now   Pulkovo Observatory
1990-2006  Institute of Applied Astronomy
1975-1990  Pulkovo Observatory
1972-1975  Mendeleev Institute of Metrology

♦  Main current research interests

♦  Publications

Author of more than 300 papers with 2565 citations in ADS and 3087 citations in Google Scholar. Most of publications are available through the following links:

ADS arXiv Google Scholar Scopus Web of Science ResearchGate e-library

♦  Professional Activities


AGU    American Geophysical Union
EVGA   European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry
GGOS   Global Geodetic Observing System
IAG    International Association of Geodesy
IAU    International Astronomical Union
IERS   International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
IGS    International GNSS Service
ILRS   International Laser Ranging Service
IVS    International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
WG    Working Group

General membership

Current activities

Past activities

♦  Meeting activities

Scientific/Program committee member, convener

Local committee member

Invited talks, lectures Contributed presentations

Originated on 28 Sep 1999
Last updated on 12 Oct 2024
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